At the invitation of K&K Pro Bt. (Project Finance Academy), our office organized a Hungarian- language professional course for financiers and bankers concerned with developing and negotiating contractual project structures, working in the filed of credit extension for large scale projects in Hungary. The following institutes were represented by the 25 participants on this course: Commerzbank Zrt., Erste Bank Zrt., KDB Bank Zrt., MKB Bank Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt.
Subject: general introduction to the base-documentation and of the most important related principles of project financing. The most sensitive issues in project finance negotiation, typical mistakes of the bank practice, and typical borrower arguments presented through group exercises. Presentation of case-studies and typical negotiation roles / games based on advanced case descriptions. Discussion of the most important specialties of the Hungarian collaterals; categorizing of the collaterals upon their practical adaptability, review of the Hungarian bankruptcy regulation. English-language terminology and collaterals under Hungarian law; legal questions and answers regarding cross-border collateralization; advantage of public notary and other enforcement advantages; typical collateral-establishment mistakes and misunderstandings. subordination questions, introduction of structured finance elements, review of prime foreign collateral elements and presentation of different solutions and approaches. Case-studies and collective review of the most important principles of project finance in practice.
Date of the course: 4-7 April 2008
Location of the course: Visegrád, Hotel Silvanus (Hotel Gellért on 7 April)